
How we make the right app for you (part 1)

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Web Design HTML SASS Rails Startups Apps Ruby Javascript Development Business
Àlex Rodríguez Bacardit
Founder & CEO
How we make the right app for you (part 1)

We're often asked "what do you guys do at MarsBased?" when we're out there promoting our little dev shop. While it might get repetitive after a few hundred times, it gets never tiring: it helps us to perfect the answer. And actually, it's been a good proof that we were not conveying our message clearly enough through our communication channels.

So what is it that we do? Read more to find out!

The answer to that question is plain simple: We make the right app for you.

Because we wanted to work for other companies as well as developing our own apps, we applied the lean techniques we wrote about in a previous entry, changed our motto to "we make the right app for you", and started the search for web development projects at MarsBased.

Getting to know each other: The exchange

Every MarsBased project begins with a cultural exchange. Learning who the customer is and what values do they want to transmit in their work is a key factor for success. Likewise, we explain who we are at MarsBased and what our core values are.

At MarsBased, we believe in mutual trust and total transparency. To ensure we're the best option for the customer we can't only listen to their needs: we have to guide the customer from beginning to end, from the conception of the app, to the project estimation. All throughout the process, MarsBased counsels the customer to ensure both parties are aligned, technologically and functionally speaking.

This process has to be as perfect as the app we're going to develop. By knowing and understanding our customers and her business model, and using a Ruby on Rails & Angular powered tech stack we can provide a more detailed and transparent planning and a task-oriented estimate.

Our best skills are our principles

Everyone should do what they're best at, and this is one of our core values at MarsBased.

MarsBased is a web development shop highly specialized in Ruby on Rails, and, therefore, we will always work around this technology. Ruby-based apps allow us to be more creative and efficient, and to work using agile development methodologies while keeping a high test coverage.

MarsBased strives for the usage of the latest technologies in every project. To achieve that, we're currently doing some testing with, our technology sandbox. This way, when we master a new technology, and we're sure it's error-free and 100% integrated with the MarsBased Tech Stack, we integrate it in the rest of the projects. This way we can guarantee innovation while keeping MarsBased's quality standards.

To avoid mixing things up, we won't describe our technologies here. You'll have to wait until our next blog entry "How we make the right app for you (part 2)" is released to read about them.

In the meantime, if you happen to have any good idea for an app and want MarsBased to develop it, drop us an e-mail!

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