15 articles by Xavier Redó

Horizontally scale your IoT backends with MQTT Shared Subscriptions

Scale IoT backends horizontally with MQTT Shared Subscriptions

In IoT architectures, choosing the right broker and strategy for consuming data is crucial. I recommend using message broker rules for scalability. If that doesn't fit your needs, consider messaging protocol strategies such as MQTT Shared Subscriptions.

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MQTT Broker for IOT

Comparison of MQTT Brokers for IoT

In our recent IoT project for Ecler, we designed their cloud platform and supporting systems for connected amplifiers and sound systems. During the development, we tested three message broker solutions: Mosquitto, NanoMQ, and EMQX. Here are the pros and cons we found for each one of them.

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Query data from PostgreSQL to represent it in a time series graph

In this blog post, our CTO, Xavi, will show us how to query data from PostgreSQL to represent it in a time series graph.

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MySQL deferred constraints and unique checks

MySQL and PostgreSQL are very similar but not exact. Take a look at this scenario that works with PostgreSQL but not with MySQL.

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Remember to vacuum your databases!

There's a way to declutter PostgreSQL databases that will impact the performance of your projects. Learn about vacuum.

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Open door

Be more available to the rest of the team

At MarsBased, we like to review our workflows, tools and policies every now and then because what it used to be good for us, might not be the right fit now. For instance, last year, we changed our project management tool from JIRA to Linear.

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Not taking decisions is frustrating

Not taking decisions is frustrating

As much as you can read about business and about how to manage your own company, you will never be prepared to face this hard reality: slowly and gradually, decisions take more and more of your daily time and mental bandwidth.

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Bespoke development as an alternative to Wordpress

Bespoke development as an alternative to Wordpress

Last year, we started working for an international marketing agency. One of the main reasons they chose us is because they understood that quick-and-dirty development on Wordpress just didn’t cut it anymore for them, and they wanted to invest in bespoke technology.

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How we interview developers

How we interview developers

We're wrapping a really good year. 2019 has brought us new clients, new friends and lots of experiences learnt. We'd like to be thankful for everything we've lived this year, and to everyone who's shared the ride with us.

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My tips for public speaking for tech people

My tips for public speaking for tech people

We, tech people, aren't too inclined to speak publicly. We might speak at minor tech events, or even in some small tech conferences, but rarely ever in front of big audiences. Here's how I do it.

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How to improve self-confidence when writing code

Some tips on improving self-confidence when developing software projects. Being self-confident helps you writing better code and focusing on what really matters.

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The importance of a step back to find quick wins

We know it's difficult to stop delivering features to our clients and take some minutes to analyse how our applications are behaving in production. However, we can't forget to do this from time to time because sometimes there are instant wins which will create a huge impact.

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