
2 Years of Podcast 🎉 

100 episodes published & a bunch of learnings!
Life on Mars podcast turned 2 years old this month with a total of 50 episodes in the English edition + another 50 in the Spanish one. Our CEO Àlex shares the main learnings along the way on this Twitter thread. We'd also love to hear from you on:
  • what's your favorite episode so far?
  • who do you want to see/listen to in the next 50? 
  • which topics you'd like to see covered on the AMA sessions we'll be recording during the summer?
You can send your feedback by just replying to this newsletter. Thank you in advance!
"Lessons Learnt" thread on Twitter
Top 10 episodes
Top 5 episodes of our English feed
  • ✍🏻 Keeping the fire alive after 10 years, with Pieter Omvlee (CEO @ Sketch) (watch the episode)
  • 🧑🏻‍💻 Choosing the tech stack and taking technological decisions, with Pau Ramon (CTO @ Factorial) (watch the episode)
  • ⚙️ Facts and figures of a fundraising round, with Cristina Vila (CEO @ Cledara) (watch the episode)
  • 📈 What to do when you're approached by a buyer (part 1), with Mike Counihan (Transcend Partners) (watch the episode)
  • 🔌 Self-organisation and time management in hyper-growth startups, with Jeff Dunham (CTO @ Wallbox) (watch the episode)
Top 5 episodes of our Spanish feed
  • 📊 Lo que nadie te cuenta de la venta de una empresa, con Laura Gascón (CEO @ DPL ETT) (watch the episode)
  • 👨🏻‍💻 Escoger tecnologías y organizar equipos en scale-ups, Marc Oliveras (CTO @ Tiendeo) (watch the episode)
  • 🎙 Los secretos de los dos mejores podcast de tecnología en español: itnig y K Fund (watch the episode)
  • 🏙 Colaboración con grandes corporaciones y el futuro del sector inmobiliario, con Anna Gener (CEO @ Savills Aguirre Newman Barcelona) (watch the episode)
  • 🔥 Encontrar co-fundadores técnicos, con Nacho González-Barros (watch the episode)
Latest episodes
We hosted Miguel Andrés (CTO at Simplr) to talk about the transition from developer to CTO, and Joan Boixadós (Founder of Everyday) a 100% bootstrapped company. Prior to that, we interviewed Alberto Betella (Founder of on how he transitioned from a side project to a full scale up. We also had the chance to host, for the second time, Mike Counihan (Transcend Partners) and on this occasion learn how to maximise the chances of a good exit. Check them out here 👇🏻

Tech stuff 💡

Speeding up views rendering in Rails 4
It is well known that rendering views and partials in Rails is somewhat slow compared to other frameworks. Recently, our Tech Lead Oriol Collell, had some fun debugging a performance problem related to views rendering outside of a controller in a Rails 4 application. Want to know how he managed it? Keep on reading! 👇
Read This Post!
How to generate TypeScript types and React hooks from GraphQL queries
We have been working with Shopify for a good while, for all kinds and sizes of e-commerce sites, and we've also experimented with GraphQL and React-based frontend applications to enhance user experience to unprecedented levels. Our Tech Lead David Garmendia compiled some guidelines for you.
Read This Post!
Shopify invests in research for Ruby at scale
Shopify is continuing to invest on Ruby on Rails at scale. They’ve taken that further recently by funding high-profile academics to focus their work on Ruby and the needs of the Ruby community. Read more here.
Internet Explorer has died
Internet Explorer, the online browser widely used and equally widely mocked, is finally dead. Microsoft is officially telling users to move on from the 27-year-old application and switch to its newer Edge browser instead. Read more here.

Job openings 👩🏻‍🚀

Javascript Developers (100% Remote)
We're looking for Javascript Developers to join the Martian family. As you know, we are a young and energetic team with a passion to deliver premium quality software to our clients. Check our openings: Check our recently updated handbook to learn more about how we work, our company culture, projects, etc. and see if you feel like joining our crew 🚀
Check Our Handbook!

Our clients 🤝

Citadel, an increasingly expanding project overtime
We started working for Valuation Metrics, a Citadel Securities company in the fintech sector, six years ago when they were a small startup. We helped them to transition to being a big team after their acquisition in late 2021. A year ago, we were working 20 hours/week, and now, our team is dedicating 150 hours/week, to redesigning their UI/UX, working on web accessibility, architecture, performance, and overall security.

Our events 📅

Changing the venue for our Startup Grind events
June's event was our last one taking place at Movistar Center after eight years of doing events there. Movistar changed the rules, and from now on only free events are allowed. We're a paid event. We don't do it for profit, but to keep the quality standards high, and avoid people signing up and then not coming, just because it's free.

The summer events will be hosted at Talent Garden Barcelona while we look for a new home for our monthly event. If you want to share with us some venues, proposals, or crazy ideas, we'll love to read them. Thank you!

Our next event will take place on July 20th at Talent Garden BCN. We'll announce the speaker and open registration shortly. 
Stay Tuned!
Organizing events in Barcelona?
Let us know!
As part of our community-building initiatives, we curate Startup Digest, a weekly newsletter with startup-related events in Barcelona. Lately, we’re seeing a boom in the number of events being organized in the city, which is phenomenal for the industry. If you organize a meetup, send us the RSS feed to it, and your events will be included in the weekly Digest.
Send the RSS Feed!
The newsletter is taking a break and will be back in September.
Have a great summer!
Want to speak Martian? 👽
Let's talk!